A skin disorder refers to any abnormal condition of the skin leading to redness, skin irritation, bleeding, and sometimes even death. A skin disorder may be temporary or permanent, harmless or deadly, painless or painful. It may be genetic or due to environmental factors like pollution. Most of the time it is possible to cure them. However, if left untreated, they can be deadly and may lead to extreme consequences like death.


Cellulitis is one of the most common skin disorders. It is a skin infection caused by bacteria. Cellulitis can be defined as a skin condition that causes the skin to swell, discolor, and is often warm and painful to touch. It can hamper daily life activities as it may even cause fatigue, dizziness, high fever, etc. Cellulitis can occur as red and pink on the affected areas in fair complexions. In darker complexions, the skin appears as grey, purple and dark brown. It mainly affects the skin on the legs and feet. However, it may also spread to other parts of the body. It is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as early signs are detected.


It is easy to detect the symptoms of cellulitis as they can be tracked visually. The doctor you consult may take a look at your skin and should be able to tell whether you have cellulitis or not.

The following symptoms can be noted if one has cellulitis:

  • Red rash over the affected area
  • Swelling of the skin in the affected area
  • The skin becomes tender
  • The skin feels warm upon touching
  • The body temperature is high, therefore, leading to a high fever
  • Blisters can be seen on the skin
  • When the affected area is touched, it is painful


All bodies are different and symptoms of cellulitis may vary from body to body. However, under some conditions, one might be prone to developing cellulitis. Such risk factors can be as follows:

  • Any cuts, untreated wounds, or breaks in the body
  • A weak immune system can make you vulnerable to cellulitis
  • Other skin conditions like athlete’s foot, eczema, etc, may also lead to cellulitis
  • Lymphedema or excessive swelling of the body can also cause cellulitis
  • You are vulnerable to develop cellulitis if you have had it before
  • Genetics also play a vital role in making the body vulnerable to cellulitis
  • Being obese or overweight can cause cellulitis


Preventive antibiotics are provided to anyone suffering from cellulitis. Your doctor may also advise you to intake paracetamol or ibuprofen to speed up recovery. It is essential to treat all the wounds and cuts in the body to prevent cellulitis. Symptoms may get worse during the first two days of medication. However, it starts getting better after that. You should inform your doctor immediately if the antibiotics don’t respond to the bacteria. If the disorder is severe, you may be admitted to the hospital for further treatment. It is necessary to keep the body hydrated. Most of the time, patients start feeling better after 7 – 10 days of medication.